MSNBC Analyst Alex Wagner argued that “certain people” in the GOP aren’t talking about economics when they talk about restoring the US, they really mean, “rewinding the clock on social progress” on Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time.”

Wagner said, “‘Restore’ means something that has nothing to do with economics. It is about rewinding the clock on social progress. It is rewinding the clock on whatever debate we’re having, and potential progress on the environment, on gay marriage, on — the conversation about criminal justice, about racial progress, or lack thereof. I mean, that is, I think, what the — certain people in the Republican Party. It’s not actually, ‘Let’s go 7 — $5 a gallon gas.’ It’s, ‘Let’s go back to a time when gay marriage was illegal. Let’s go back to a time when there wasn’t the ACA.'”

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