Fox News Channel host Greg Gutfeld Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s comments on abortion are evidence that Trump “feels he’s above thinking things through” that could have “smashed” all the pro-life movement has built and wondered “Has there ever been a candidate that needs so much explaining?” on Thursday’s broadcast of “The Five.”

Gutfeld said, “Now maybe the question was a trap. But it isn’t a trap if you, a pro-lifer, have thought about it once in your life. What should Trump have said? ‘Chris, I just became a granddad, the sixth time, and I can tell you, it’s amazing. The innocent, you’ve got to protect them. That’s what I believe in my heart, and the science backs me up. Very premature babies can survive, even if they’re born too early. Young parents can hear the heartbeat in mere weeks. You’ve seen that sonogram on the fridge. It’s fabulous stuff. I don’t want women to feel they need an abortion, and I’d want her to feel enough support and hope that she chooses to have the kid instead. She shouldn’t be punished, of course not. Monsters like Kermit Gosnell, they should be punished. What a creep that guy is. Society must promote a culture of life, and I can tell you, the babies will love President Trump.'”

Gutfeld continued, “but he didn’t say that, because that requires preparation. He feels he’s above thinking things through and expects his fans to do it for him. Often they will. Has there ever been a candidate that needs so much explaining? He gave no thought to lifelong righties, who have a tough time already defending the unborn. Now every GOP candidate is going to be asked if they think women should be punished. I’m glad Trump is now pro-life, but that movement is fueled by deep thinkers who strive to preserve life, despite a rabidly pro-abortion media. With one comment, Trump could have smashed all they’ve built.”

He further added that the question Trump was asked was “a classic gotcha question.” And the fact that every Republican gets such questions is “why you’ve got to surround yourself with good people, that can prepare you.”

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