Fox News Senior Correspondent Geraldo Rivera argued that Republican presidential candidate Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s “New York values” line had “stinking anti-Semitic implications” on Thursday’s “O’Reilly Factor.”

Rivera said Cruz is “going to get routed in New York, and deservedly so. Aside from the stinking anti-Semitic implications that I see in that whole New York values money and media coded message that he put out there pandering to those Iowa voters, here me out, he also voted against Hurricane Sandy relief. He also voted against compensation for the 9/11 victims. This is a man who’s interests are absolutely antithetical to New York.”

Rivera added, “He could have very easily said not ‘New York values.’ He could have said ‘Democratic,’ ‘liberal,’ ‘free spending,’ ‘wealthy.’ There’s a million ways he could have said it.” And “He chose that very cunningly, and now he’s going to pay the price.”

He further argued that Cruz is “facing the reality of a country that is much more diverse than he is comfortable with.” Rivera continued that there are “lots of Catholics in New York state.”

(h/t Twitchy)

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