NAACP President and CEO Cornell William Brooks agreed with comparisons between North Carolina’s “bathroom law” and Jim Crow laws and the school segregation laws struck down in Brown v. Board of Education on Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Situation Room.”

Brooks said, in response to a question on whether Attorney General Loretta Lynch is correct when she compares the dispute over the North Carolina law to Jim Crow laws, and Brown v. Board of Education, “She is right. If we think about Brown v. Board of Education, the courts said that separation and segregation does something to the inside of a child. There are ways in which, when we set people aside, when we separate them, when we segment them, when we treat them differently, we do something to their dignity. [It] is an assault on their dignity, as well as an assault on their rights. And so the attorney general is doing what a tough, smart attorney general is supposed to do, which is to enforce the law fairly. She did what she had to do.”

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