Monday on the Fox Business Network, former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), who was previously a candidate for president for both the Republican and Libertarian Parties, dismissed the idea of a third-party candidate, including former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA), which has been touted by some including Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol.

Paul predicted that in the end, those touting the third-party run will wind up voting for Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic Party presidential nominee.

“By now, you would think that they would recognize he was part of the problem and why the Republican base sort of turned against them,” Paul said. “But to raise his name right now, you would think Kristol and Romney and you put them together – you know, this is exactly what the complaint is. These people have been losing and I think this dream of having a third-party candidacy, I think is purely a dream.I can’t believe this would come about and Romney already said he wasn’t that much interested.”

“But what I think the neocons will do – the Bill Kristols of the world and you hear it already – they’re going to go with Hillary,” he continued. “Hillary is a Wall Street person and she is a neocon and she wants to spend money on the military. So, a lot of them will go there. They’re not going to get Romney to run. I think it will shift a lot of people over to Hillary because I’ve always argued that Hillary could have possibly run as a Republican with some of her positions.”

(h/t RCP Video)

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