Ron Paul

YouTube Blacklists Ron Paul Institute

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, the organization set up by former Republican presidential candidate and congressman Dr. Ron Paul, has been blacklisted by Google-owned YouTube.


Ron Paul: Is Trump’s America First Energy Policy Being Hijacked?

Whatever differences they may have with him aside, libertarians and free-market conservatives should be pleased with President Donald J. Trump’s support for reforming or repealing federal dictates that help foreign businesses and harm US workers. An example of this is the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).

The Associated Press

‘Audit the Fed’ May Finally Pass Congress

Kentucky’s Sen. Rand Paul appears to be on the cusp of having the Senate and the House pass the “Audit the Fed” legislation that he and his father, former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), fought for to stop the Federal Reserve’s “unchecked” and “arguably unconstitutional” meddling in the free market economy.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) emerges from a closed-door weekly policy meeting with Senate Republi

Texas Bill Will Remove ‘Faithless Elector’ and Void Their Vote

A bill pre-filed in the Texas Legislature on December 28 would put teeth into circumventing a “faithless elector.” Any attempt by an elector to cast a vote for anyone other than the candidates that received the popular vote in the Lone Star State would be void. Moreover, casting the void vote would immediately create a vacancy in the elector’s position.

AP Photo

Donald Trump Must Beware of Trojan Horse Delegates

A state party staffer from a large Northeastern state passed the entry codes for a conference call of five Republican chairmen from significant states this past Saturday. The topic on the table? Stopping Donald Trump. I had to listen in.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally Saturday, Ma

Ron Paul: No Candidates Deserve Libertarian Vote

Libertarian icon and Former Texas Representative Dr. Ron Paul appeared on Fox Business channel Friday, heralding a message that neither Sen. Ted Cruz nor any Republican or Democrat candidate for president should win the libertarian vote.

Ron and Rand Paul ABC News

Ron Paul: Ted Cruz ‘No Libertarian … Owned by Goldman Sachs’

Friday on Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Company,” former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), a three-time candidate for president, dismissed any of the remaining presidential candidates as being capable of carrying the libertarian banner. Paul said although Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)


Ron Paul: ‘Donald Trump Is an Authoritarian and He Brags About It’

This week on RT, the Russian government’s English-language station, host Ameera David interviewed former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) who said Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is a “authoritarian.” Paul said, “I think Trump is an authoritarian and he brags about it. ‘I’m


Family Ties: Half Jeb Bush’s Contributions From Previous Bush Donors

Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign and supportive PACs made headlines for raking in a combined total of about $120 million — more than double that of any of his Republican competitors — and the Bush name was incredibly helpful in raising those funds. A new analysis of Federal Elections Commission (FEC) records shows that more than half of Bush’s campaign war chest comes from donors who have previously donated to Bush’s father, former President George H.W. Bush, or his brother, former President George W. Bush.

US President George W. Bush (R) is greeted by his