On Wednesday, talk radio host Mark Levin praised Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s speech earlier in the day as “a very good speech.” Where Trump “hit it out of the park.”

Levin began by saying that parts of the speech “really ticked me off.” He specifically mentioned Trump reaching out to supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and advocating protectionism.

After playing a clip of the speech, Levin said, “The Republican leadership in Congress doesn’t have the guts to go to the floor of the Senate or the floor of the House and make these charges. This is outstanding. You can’t let Hillary Clinton get away with her corruption, her cronyism, her criminality. I don’t care who you support or don’t support. She’s detestable.” Levin played other clips of Trump’s speech that he praised and agreed with, saying the speech was “a very good speech.” And that when Trump went after Hillary, “he hit it out of the park.”

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