On Friday, HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher criticized members of both parties for “looking at global trade as the root of all evil.” And “selling a lie, this lie that the jobs can come back.”

Maher said, “It seems like people on both sides of the pond, and in both parties, are looking at global trade as the root of all evil.” And “I just think that they are selling a lie, this lie that the jobs can come back. The jobs are not going to ever coming back. You know how we know? Because the factories have come back, without the workers. You know who’s doing the jobs? Robots.”

He added, “And why do we even want the kind of jobs they have in China? They’re jumping off the roofs of buildings over there.”

Maher further argued, “[W]hat’s happened in this country, I think all over the world, but mostly in this country, is that we’re a consumer society. We’re not a manufacturing society anymore. And those kind of jobs, service jobs, pay less than manufacturing jobs. Isn’t it politicians’ job to figure out how to pay more to people in service jobs? Because that’s where the jobs are.”

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