Monday on Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” host Bill O’Reilly offered his take on the press and its treatment of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

O’Reilly argued the tactics Trump used to win the GOP nomination were now being used by the media to his detriment.

“There is no question that Donald Trump is hurting himself by using the same kind of rhetoric that helped him win the primaries,” O’Reilly said. “Very ironic. Trump’s shoot-from-the-hip, seek-and-destroy speech-making vaulted him over all his Republican challengers. But now when he makes a flamboyant statement, it’s rammed down his throat by a hostile press.”

“The Factor” host pointed to Trump’s remarks about Khizr Khan and his remarks regarding preventing Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton from imposing restrictions on the Second Amendment as such examples and noted that they were distracting from other news items that could be propelling Trump politically.

O’Reilly went on to add it was his view the media were using Alinsky tactics against Trump, but Trump himself isn’t realizing the consequences of some of his remarks.

“They despise Donald Trump,” he added. “They are using Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ number 13: Quote, ‘Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it, cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy.’ That is what the anti-Trump press is doing. But back to Trump himself – two things in play here. He is not recognizing that explosive comments like those about Muslim women and gun control can and will be used against him and that an extremely hostile American press will use his words not only to denigrate him, but also to avoid reporting on real issues affecting the USA. I predicted this would happen more than a year ago.”

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