Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Wikileaks editor in chief Julian Assange remarked on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton ability to avoid prosecution for her use of an improper email server, which it had been shown she used it to transmit classified emails.

That according to Assange was a product of Clinton having “elite immunity.”

“When you see that Hillary Clinton has not been prosecuted – more than a hundred classified messages that she has exchanged, including ones with classification labels, that is elite immunity,” Assange said. “Now, Hillary Clinton is not the only one that has elite immunity. Yes, presumably because it is the size of her network, the amount of cronyist influences she has got – she is a hard target for people to tackle. She can affect them back. But you also see no one from the National Security Agency who was prosecuted as a result of Edward Snowden’s disclosure, James Clapper.”

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