Monday on the Fox News Channel, “MediaBuzz” host Howard Kurtz said revelations from over the weekend revealed in a leaked copy of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s 1995 taxes returns isn’t having the effect that the media are portraying it to have.

According to Kurtz, the way Trump surrogates are trying to spin the story as a “positive” was ingenious and that it backs up Trump’s claim of a rigged systrm.

“As you just saw, Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie both using the word ‘genius’ to describe this tax story,” Kurtz said. “I think it is ingenious on their part to try to spin this story in a way that is positive. Look, as you’ve been observing this morning, Donald Trump broke no laws, if indeed he used that nearly $1 billion loss to wipe out his tax return for 15 or 18 years. So I don’t think it is quite the bombshell that some in the media are presenting it as, but it is a great story to have come out a month before the election when you are running against a ‘rigged system’ and it shows that Donald Trump took advantage of a rigged system.”

(h/t RCP Video)

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