On Monday’s broadcast of ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” host Jimmy Kimmel had a “political corrector” ensure he told the proper version of the story of Columbus Day.

Kimmel said that Columbus “wasn’t necessarily the friendly character we sang about sailing the ocean blue, and I want to make sure that I don’t offend anyone.” He then introduced the “political corrector” that ABC hired to help him out.

The “political corrector” changed “Christopher Columbus was a great man” to “Christopher Columbus was a man.” “A man who discovered America” to “A man who went to a place where a lot of people already were that we call America.” “There, he befriended Indians” to “There, he was an unwelcome visitor to the indigenous people of the land that would come to be known as the United States.” Finally, the end of the story had an additional ending of, “This where I personally choose to end the story, but I cannot say definitively that this is the end, because that would be dismissive of the stories of so many others.”

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