Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, an early supporter President-elect Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, cautioned about the prospect of former Gov. Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP presidential nominee and vocal opponent of Trump during the 2016 GOP primary, being nominated secretary of state.

Gingrich said it was important to make sure Romney would be acting to advance Trump’s foreign policy and not his own ideas.

“Governor Romney wanted to be president, not secretary of state,” Gingrich said. “And you have to ask the question, when he goes overseas, is going to be the secretary of state for President Trump or is he going to be Mitt Romney’s own secretary of state? I would hope, and again I would support whoever President-elect Trump picks because he has the right as the new president to build the team he wants to build. But I would suggest there a lot of other people who are more qualified than Romney on foreign policy and are also have not been actively hostile as he has been.”

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