Over the weekend, pollster Frank Luntz blasted President Barack Obama during a Fox News appearance, accusing the president of “trying to settle scores before he leaves.”

Luntz compared Obama’s final days as president to President-elect Donald Trump’s “thank you” tour, calling it a “FU tour.”

“If Trump did this great tour of the country, they called it a victory tour or thank you tour, Obama seems to be doing a… uh… trying to figure out the right language so I don’t get fined by the FCC, a FU tour. I guess that’s the best way to put it,” Luntz said.

He explained, “What he has said about Hillary Clinton and her campaign and drawing that contrast. What he has done to Israel and to Benjamin Netanyahu. That there are people that he has had political difficulties with—and by the way, Republican members of the house and senate—the people who he’s disagreed with over the last eight years. He’s gone to great pains to draw a contrast between the things that he says and the things that they have done that makes me think he’s trying to settle scores before he leaves, and that’s not presidential.”

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