On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” Stephen Miller, a senior adviser to President Donald Trump, suggested that new executive orders were a possibility to take on illegal immigration.

Miller explained there was a variety of other option, but added Trump would be well within his authority to use executive orders as a means to prevent the immigration process in the United States to be used by those he deemed were “hostile” to the nation and its values.

“Right now we are considering and pursuing all options,” Miller said. “Those options include seeking an emergency stay with the Supreme Court, continuing the appeal with the panel, having an emergency hearing en banc, or going to the trial court on the district level and a trial on the merits. They also include, as you’ve mentioned, the possibility of new executive action designed to prevent terrorist infiltration of our country.”

“But I want to say something very clearly, and this is going to be very disappointing to the people protesting the president and the people in Congress like Sen. [Chuck] Schumer, who have attacked the president for his lawful and necessary action. The president’s powers here are beyond question. The president has the authority under the [Immigration and Nationality Act] section 8USC 1182F to suspend the entry of aliens into this country, and he has Article 2 foreign powers to also engage in conducting border control and immigration control into the country. Those powers are substantial. They represent the apex of the presidential authority. And so we are contemplating new and additional actions to ensure that the immigration is not a vehicle for admitting people into our country who are hostile to its nation and its values.”

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