Wednesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” Rep. Maxine Waters (R-CA) was asked by show host Chris Hayes to react to President Donald Trump’s response to a question about sexual harassment charges aimed at Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly in an interview earlier in the day.

Trump called O’Reilly “a good person” and argued O’Reilly should fight those charges.

Waters, however, took aim at both O’Reilly and Trump and went as far as to say O’Reilly needed to “go to jail.”

“It is coming out of the mouth of a man who has said some horrible things about women,” Waters replied. “Don’t forget, he talked about grabbing women by their private parts and because he was important he could get away with it and so they are two of a kind. And so I am not surprised he stood up and tried to defend Bill O’Reilly. But, it’s all catching up with Bill O’Reilly and that sexual harassment enterprise that they created over there at Fox. And it’s catching up with them and you have over 30 advertisers who have taken away their advertising.”

“They are not wanting to do business with them anymore because of the way they have created this record of sexual harassment,” she continued. “They have treated women very badly. And so I understand the Justice Department has opened a case. They’re taking a look at them because this really is a sexual harassment enterprise. It shouldn’t be in America that you can sexually harass women and then buy your way out of it because you’re rich.”

“If they continue to do this in the way that they’ve done it, they need to go to jail,” Waters added. “You know the president’s over there talking about Susan Rice going to jail. They need to go to jail. Bill O’Reilly needs to go to jail. And so, I just want you to know that the president didn’t do himself any good standing up for O’Reilly. And where was Ivanka? She’s supposed to be his adviser. She’s supposed to be the one that is standing up for women. I think she either advised him wrong or she is absent. She’s not in it.”

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