On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “AC360,” CNN political contributor and former Counselor to President Bill Clinton said that “Thanks to Mr. Putin, Mr. Trump got to take the Inaugural Address.” And that President George W. Bush “was kind of essentially illegitimate as well.”

During a discussion on the Trump administration and White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s Holocaust comments, Begala said “[T]he president’s a pathological liar.”

Former Bush White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer shot back that Begala couldn’t accept that Trump won and asked how Begala could call anyone a pathological liar “when you forget the person that you were for, Hillary Clinton, on your superPAC. What was her reputation for honesty and telling the truth?”

Begala responded, “That election’s over. Thanks to Mr. Putin, Mr. Trump got to take the Inaugural Address.”

Fleischer then said that the choice was between two unpopular candidates, and Begala couldn’t get over that the less popular candidate won.

Begala then said that Fleischer was “sensitive” because “You worked for a guy who snuck in without winning the vote either. So, he was kind of essentially illegitimate as well.”

Fleischer smiled and remarked that Begala was starting with his “crazy” theories about the 2000 election.

The segment concluded with both Begala and Fleischer smiling.

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