On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” columnist Charles Krauthammer slammed the budget deal by saying, “Trump got rolled. The Republicans got rolled. They ended up with nothing, really. It’s sort of embarrassing. … This is a total loss.”

Krauthammer said, “Trump got rolled. The Republicans got rolled. They ended up with nothing, really. It’s sort of embarrassing. I understand the strategic idea, we’re halfway through the year, only a few months left, this has all been negotiated in the past. You save your fire for September when you do next year. That’s what they say every time. They save their fire, and they don’t use it the next time. Now, Trump has been wonderful, I think, in sort of throwing out a lot of ideas, starting with the gas tax. The Kim idea wasn’t a great idea, but there’s no denying the fact that this was not a win. He was not the winner he said he was or negotiator. This is a total loss.”

(Video via RCP Video)

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