Tuesday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Donald Trump, Jr. defended his father’s response to the London terrorist attack over the weekend that has resulted in at least seven people dead.

Trump, Jr. argued it was time to be more proactive in taking on terrorism rather than to “keep calm and carry on.”

“Every time he puts something out there, he gets criticized by the media, all day every day,” Trump, Jr said. “And then guess what? Two weeks later, he’s proven to be right. It happened again, and we keep appeasing it, and we keep saying OK it’s going to be great, we’re going to hold fast, and we’re going to keep calm and carry on.”

“Maybe we have to keep calm and actually do something,” he continued. “And I think that’s what he’s trying to say, because he’s been proven right about it every time. This is a recurring theme and we’re attacked. But maybe, rather than the mayor of London attacking, maybe he should do something about it. Maybe he should do something to fix the problem rather than just sit there and pretend there isn’t one.”

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