Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” host Sean Hannity took aim at MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski for their seemingly endless criticism of President Donald Trump.

After a lengthy montage that included examples of such criticisms, former presidential candidate and radio talker Herman Cain weighed in with his thoughts on Scarborough and Brzezinski.


“[Brzezinski] might be nervous, but I am not,” Cain said. “I am looking at the results like you and many of your people. I am not nervous. I like the accomplishments that this president and his administration — that they are making, despite this vitriol coming from people like Joe and Mika. Secondly, they literally think that people are believing their poisonous vitriol. They have taken Trump derangement syndrome to a whole new level, Sean. And that is sad because they are assuming the American people look stupid.”

(h/t Fox News Insider)

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