During Friday’s “Fox & Friends,” Fox News Channel’s Judge Jeanine Pirro weighed in on Thursday’s proceedings of former FBI Director James Comey testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Pirro called Comey a “predator” who was looking to take President Donald Trump down by leaking information.

“He makes the decision that the president is going to lie to him before he even has his first meeting,” Pirro said. “So he decides that he’s going to start recording or memorizing what was said in their conversations. And then he gets to the point where he says, ‘You know what, I’m going to leak this stuff now.’ Why is he so comfortable leaking?”

“He was looking to take the president down … and what he wanted to do was preserve himself. He is an operator. He is part of the Washington elite,” she added.

Later, Pirro said the leaks are “clearly about revenge.”

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