Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson offered his thoughts on Attorney General Jeff Sessions appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee scheduled for Tuesday regarding allegations the Russian government interfered with the 2016 presidential election.

Some Democrats have called into question Sessions’ interactions with Russian officials, to which Carlson dismissed as vague charges of guilt by association.

“Attorney General Jeff Sessions is scheduled to testify tomorrow before the Senate Intelligence Committee,” Carlson said. “The subject, needless to say, as Russia. That’s pretty much the only thing that Washington can talk about or respond to at the moment. Sessions may strike you as an unlikely Putin conspirator, having spent virtually all of his 70 years living in or representing Alabama. That’s an awfully long way from Moscow in every sense. It doesn’t matter. Everyone affiliated with the administration is a potential suspect these days. Sessions says that as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, he talked on two separate occasions with the Russian ambassador to the United States. And that’s it. That’s the total known extent of his contact with the Russian government. But, it’s enough. According to top Democrats, Sessions must resign immediately.”

Carlson then featured remarks from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

“We’ve been covering the story most nights on the show for the past seven months,” Carlson continued. “And over that time we’ve noticed a theme: almost all the claims you hear about Russia are general rather than specific. ‘Russia hacked our election.’ We hear that one almost every day. OK, we are open-minded. How exactly did Russia hack our election? Well, then comes the answer, ‘They just did. All 17 intelligence agencies say they did. Russia undermined our democracy.’ OK, but can you be more specific? That’s a pretty serious charge, and it might be nice to have some details. They can’t provide those details, or they won’t. And if you keep pressing for details, they will attack you personally, as we found out when Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intel Committee accused me of, quote, ‘carrying water for Putin,’ when I asked him to back up his claims. Character assassination is always easier than making a sensible argument.”

The Fox News host said his show tracked down a person that was a witness to the meeting between Sessions and Russian ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak at the 2016 Republican National Convention. That person described it as nothing-burger and was said he was shocked by the reaction to the news of that meeting.

“Well, if you’re shocked, you haven’t been paying attention,” Carlson added. “This kind of thing is happening all over Washington right now, guilt by association, attack by innuendo — classic witch-hunt stuff. You ought to be worried about it, too. Because if Jeff Sessions can be denounced as a Russian spy, anyone can be.”

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