Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” conservative commentator Mark Steyn ridiculed CNN’s coverage of allegations of ties between the Russian government and President Donald Trump.

Steyn compared CNN’s current coverage of the so-called Russia controversy to its coverage of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in 2014. Both instances were considered to be over-the-top by some, however, Steyn said at least with the missing flight, there was a story.

“[T]hey went bananas over the Malaysian plane that disappeared a couple of years ago, but at least there was a Malaysian plane that was here one minute and wasn’t there the next,” he said. “Here there actually is no Malaysian plane, and they are covering it.”

Steyn also pointed to the network’s interview with Sesame Street’s Elmo, who had apparently visited a Syrian refugee camp and called it the “least nutty thing” on CNN in recent days.

“I mean, Jeff Zucker is telling them to stop covering real news,” Steyn added. “You’re not entirely accurate on that, Tucker. Yesterday they interviewed Elmo about what he thought about Syrian refugees, and oddly enough Elmo happens to like them. And that actually was the least nutty thing CNN has done in the last few weeks. It’s the nearest thing to real news.”

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