On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” MSNBC host Joy Reid compared Congressional Republicans to courtiers who work with the king–in this case, President Donald Trump–because there are “things they want to do to” the commoners that “these Republicans couldn’t give a damn about.”

Reid said, “There’s no cost to them coming out today and pretending that they still have a moral conscience after endorsing Donald Trump. But the reality is — so, Donald Trump thinks of himself as a king. … So, you can sort of think of Republicans in Congress as the courtier, right? And so, the couriers to the king may despise the king. They may think the king is vulgar. … But there are things the courtiers want to do to the commoners. And they don’t necessarily respect the commoners. There are things they want to do to the commoners. And the king helps them do it. Because the king is the guy who has to do deal with them. It’s the king that’s got to sell to the commoners. They don’t even have to deal with them. Remember, the people who elected Donald Trump can’t stand [House Speaker Representative] Paul Ryan (R-WI) and his friends that want to take their health care. They never liked them. donald Trump is a means to the end. Donald Trump is the guy who’s going to go out there and sell to the people these Republicans couldn’t give a damn about. He is going to sell them on losing their health care and make it sound good.”

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