Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” conservative talk show host Mark Steyn hammered CNN for its decision not to reveal the identity of a Reddit user who created the Trump-CNN wrestling GIF file, which he deemed to be an effort by the network to police the Internet.

“[T]his guy is entirely tangential to it,” he said. “The way things work on the Internet is somebody sends somebody a picture, and that person emails it to somebody else, and that person tweets it to somebody else. And 37,000 links later, it has become a thing and nobody cares who created it or what other content he has created, even if you accept that Chris Cuomo’s definition of hate speech and bigoted and racist and anti-Semitic material ought to be the standard applied across the Internet.”

“Basically, a major news organization is policing some no-name schlub’s Internet content and threatening to reveal his identity if he transgresses their particular standards,” Steyn continued. “That is completely nuts. I mean, Wolf Blitzer has basically put a horse’s head in this guy’s bed, and I don’t know how this happened. CNN was like, the world’s most boring cable network just a month ago. Now it is behaving more and more nuttily each day.”

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