During Sunday’s “AM Joy” on MSNBC, Vanity Fair contributing editor Kurt Eichenwald accused Fox News of “aiding and abetting” Russia to pit the GOP against the Democrats and destroy our democracy.

“They are aiding and abetting the enemy. They are aiding and abetting those people we are currently at war with, the Russians, in order to play for their team, to make it GOP versus Democrats. It’s not,” Eichenwald stated.

He continued, “It is the United States of America versus people who are a country that is trying to destroy our democracy, break up the Western alliance, and in the process, Fox News is saying don’t worry about the Russians, don’t worry about the people trying to attack democracy, let’s attack instead the intelligence agencies giving us these conclusions, let’s pretend the Democrats are involved, and let’s return to tax cuts. It’s obscene, it is propaganda and it has to stop.”

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