On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” CNN Political Commentator and former Obama adviser Van Jones stated that the verdict on the Trump presidency is in and that everyone else has little hope, if any, if the president won’t defend his own daughter, Ivanka, who is Jewish, from the rhetoric of Nazis and the KKK.

Jones said, “He is the father of a Jewish daughter. If he won’t even defend his own daughter from the kind of vile attacks and the things that were said, then I think the rest of us have very little hope now, if there is any hope at all. And so, I think the verdict is now in on the presidency now, six months in. Any hope, I think, is fading very quickly.”

He added, “It is incredibly terrifying for people of color. There are people of color right now who are crying. There are Jewish people right now who are afraid. Because this cuts deep, when the president won’t unequivocally stand with you for more than 12 hours against Nazis, when the president won’t stand with you for more than 12 solid hours against Klansmen who showed up with guns, who were prepared to kill people, you feel vulnerable. You don’t know if your children are safe. You don’t know what to do. You don’t know where to turn. This is not some sound bite game. People need an assurance from the president that a terrorist movement that is gaining ground in our country is going to be met with the full force of the law.”

Jone continued that members of the Antifa movement do “go too far. I think that that is a significant issue. But it is not the case that they are going around building an armed movement to go and kill people. And, listen, if you can’t separate, as a leader, a massive threat from a minor threat, if you can’t tell the difference between a serpent and an earthworm, you have no business leading.”

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