Thursday on his Fox News Channel show, host Tucker Carlson ripped CNN “United Shades of America” host Kamau Bell apparent participation in an Antifa rally held in Berkeley, CA last Sunday.

During the rally, Bell condemned his opponents as Nazis, which Carlson said was inciteful and said was “peddling hate.”

Reportedly, there were violent incidents during the rally. For Bell’s participation in that rally, Carlson called on Bell to apologize, which Bell has not.

Partial transcript as follows:

They hate this country, they want to tear it down. They are totalitarians and their beliefs, and in their aims. Even if they didn’t use violence, Antifa would still be illegitimate, and a threat to America. None of that seems to matter to Kamau Bell.

He’s happy to stand up on stage and called his opponents Nazis. That’s not a label used on people you want to debate. It’s a label used to incite rage. He had to know how this would end. He did it anyway. And the days since, Bell has not apologized.

On Twitter, he issued a statement saying, he wants a world safe for, quote, “Black people, brown people, LGBT people, immigrants, refugees, Muslims, Jewish people, pagans, Unitarian universalist, Mormons, disabled people, poor people, mentally ill people, all people of color, Sikhs, Palestinians, homeless people, Houston people and all people affected by the hurricane. Climate change scientist, public school teachers, freedom fighters, people caught up in the criminal justice system over some b.s., minimum-wage workers, open my curse, and even white people, especially the white allies out in those Berkeley streets today and the white half of my children.”

Well, that’s a long list but not everyone, as you’ll notice, got equal treatment. Imagine if we spoke at a rally where right-wingers and masks tried to kill people they disagreed with, Hillary voters, may be. And then afterwards, we issued a statement saying, we were just working on behalf of whites, Christians, gun owners, taxpayers, maybe even some black people, especially those who had voted Republican. How would that go over? This show would be canceled quickly, and it would deserve to be canceled.

If you are not willing to say, you want a world safe for all Americans, equally, you are peddling hate, and Bell is. We contacted CNN to see if they had any response to one of their anchor stroking violence extremism as a side gig and they have not responded so far. We also invited Bell on tonight to see if he’d be willing to defend what he did. He wasn’t.

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