Thursday on her nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Laura Ingraham railed against President Donald Trump for a reported deal he struck with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) immigration policy.

Omitted from the deal was funding for the much-ballyhooed border wall Trump touted during the 2016 presidential campaign. According to Ingraham, Trump’s earlier claim about repair to the existing border fence was not sufficient, and this would be an “electoral nightmare” for the Republican Party.

“Let me just get this straight — at these rallies during 2015, 2016, I don’t remember hearing, ‘Repair the fence! Repair the fence! Repair the fence and make Mexico pay for the fence.’ Who the heck said ‘repair the fence?’ He’s going to get creamed on this and if this goes down the way I fear it goes, mark my words — this will be an electoral nightmare for Republicans. You think all these DACA, quote ‘kids,’ as Donald Trump called them today, their average age 23 — the kids? Do you think they’re all going to be like conservative populists because you cut a deal late at night with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer? What planet are you living on?”

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