On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated he doesn’t agree with kneeling during the National Anthem and criticized President Trump for opening up a national wound on race.

Brooks said, “I don’t approve of what Colin Kaepernick did. I don’t think you kneel before the National Anthem. I think, if you are going to protest, you protest in a way that doesn’t undermine our common nationality. And so I didn’t think — he did what he did. But Donald Trump reacted in his typical way, which was to find a wound in the American body politic, in this case, a wound about race, and then to stick a red-hot poker in it and to rip it open. And to me, that’s what is most troubling about what we’re seeing over the last year, maybe two years, is that the fabric of society is being destroyed by someone who’s really good at finding out where we’re weakest, and exploiting those differences in order to launch really, a cultural agenda.”

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