During a CNN debate with Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Wednesday, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) stated that Sanders’ tax plan would raise revenue by raising taxes on the middle class.

Cruz said, “Bernie’s tax plan cost over $13 trillion. That’s what he’s proposed raising in new taxes. And who pays for it? Well, the Democrats always talk about the millionaires and billionaires, but here’s a simple fact, we could take every single person making $1 million a year or more, and confiscate 100% of their income, everything they make, every penny, and it would raise about $1 trillion, about 8% of the cost of Bernie’s tax plan. That means if you want tax revenue, you don’t get it from the millionaires and billionaires, you get it from the middle class. You get it from the working men and women in this country.”

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