Friday on his primetime Fox News Channel program, Sean Hannity argued that given the revelations of a House Intelligence Committee memo showing possible wrongdoing by the Department of Justice and the FBI, special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe, which he called a “witch hunt,” should be “disbanded immediately.”

Partial transcript as follows:

The entire foundation of what we now have gone through, this mess for a year, no evidence, Trump, Russia collusion, the Special Counsel, it’s been built on lies and built on a phony fake news dossier that was funded by Hillary Clinton. Now, that the FBI then used that to target then the Trump campaign then an incoming President. Now, if this never happened, it would be no Robert Mueller.

And these revelations are so profound, this corruption so deep, it is so obvious that the Special Counsel needs to be shut down immediately and that’s not even taking into account Mueller’s massive conflicts of interest himself and how his team is filled with big Democratic donors and people like Andrew Weissmann that withhold exculpatory information in cases and gets overturned 9-0 in the Supreme Court, sends people to jail, overturned Fifth Circuit of Appeals.

Mueller’s investigation is and has been a witch-hunt from the very beginning. It’s built on a house of cards, and tonight it is crashing down. Look, if we as a country, if we care about the Constitution, if we believe in civil liberties, if we believe in those protections, then the special counsel must be disbanded immediately. And by the way, nobody else will say this, all charges against Paul Manafort and General Michael Flynn need to be dropped. It’s that simple.

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