On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) argued President Trump has “a strong authoritarian personality” and shows a “disrespect for democracy” in the US.

Sanders said, “Look, it is — should be clear to everybody that we have a president with a strong authoritarian personality. He likes people like Putin, like Xi in China, like Duterte in the Philippines. He hosted today, the leader of Saudi Arabia, a monarchy, which has nothing close to elections. That is who he is. And what frightens me is not only his respect and adoration for tyrants all over the world, but his disrespect for democracy in our own country, in terms of voter suppression, in terms of gerrymandering, in terms of his attacks on the media. So, that’s who we have as a president, our job is to stand together and to say, ‘Hey, Mr. Trump, you know what, in this country, we believe in democracy, not authoritarianism.'”

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