On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Wolf,” Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN) responded to President Trump reportedly suggesting the military pay for a border wall by arguing that a border wall is “a national security issue only in that it may be necessary to keep the president psychologically balanced.”

Cohen responded to a question by anchor Wolf Blitzer on if he thinks the president could get Congressional approval for using military funds for a wall on the grounds that it’s an issue of national security by saying, “It’s a national security issue only in that it may be necessary to keep the president psychologically balanced. He seems to be obsessed with this wall, and he may be losing a certain amount of psychological balance, which we need to have in a president. The Congress would have to approve that funding. I think the House might do it. I don’t think the Senate will. It needs 60 votes. … There’s no basis in science and fact and study…no way does anybody see that as a necessary wall to protect us from the inflow of immigration — from illegal immigration from Mexico or drugs. The drug folks tunnel under and do a good job of it, and the immigration has been reduced and is the lowest it’s ever been.”

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