On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” author, branding and marketing expert, and radio host Donny Deutsch weighed in on the controversy over Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s comments on Parkland survivor David Hogg by stating, “We can’t have animals on the air attacking children.”

Co-host Joe Scarborough began the discussion by stating that a 4.1 GPA isn’t something worthy of mockery, and he doesn’t understand why people would attack high school students or why they think that would work politically.

Deutsch responded that Ingraham’s comments lacked basic human empathy or sympathy. He added, “Laura Ingraham told LeBron James to ‘shut up and dribble.’ And Laura Ingraham needs to just shut up and dribble also. She’s a reprehensible human being. And the good news here is, the advertisers will speak, and they will continue. You might see Laura Ingraham saying, ‘Bye-bye.'”

Scarborough then said that people make mistakes, and Ingraham apologized sincerely.

Deutsch responded that while we all make mistakes, “when it’s a serial behavior, and the apology was only for one reason: because she was losing advertisers. … And her behavior stands for itself. And, you know, there’s — we can all argue about politics, but there’s just human decency. We can’t have animals on the air attacking children. These are just core values.”

(h/t Mediaite)

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