Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” host Sean Hannity sounded off on FBI agent Peter Strzok’s testimony before a joint congressional committee earlier the day during his opening monologue.

Hannity drew comparisons between Strzok and former President Bill Clinton.

“Now, no intelligent American would believe that denial was more verbal gymnastics than we actually saw I never thought we could top this, former President Bill Clinton, remember it all depends what ‘is’ is,” Hannity said. “Now, we were alone, but I never really thought we’re alone. In order to believe these bizarre explanations from this verbal contortionist, you would literally have to suspend all sense of fact and fiction and, of course, Peter Strzok, well, he does think that the smelly, irredeemable, deplorable Trump supporters of Walmart, the hillbillies like us that believe in god and guns and bibles and religion, we don’t measure up.”

“He thinks, yes, I guess we’re pretty dumb, and he could just do whatever he wants,” he added. “I have some bad news for Peter. He’s not the infallible super patriot that he clearly is convinced himself he is. He lies to our face, and in the end, he’s not going to get away with it. In other words, he’s not above the law because the American people saw these lies today. We know a cover-up when we see one.”

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