Thursday in an appearance on CBS’s “The Late Show,” CNN’s Jake Tapper accused members of Congress that were trying to halt the Department of Justice’s probe led by special counsel Robert Mueller into possible interference by Russia in the 2016 presidential election of being “unpatriotic.”

Tapper said although it wasn’t a Pearl Harbor-style attack, it was still an attack on the United States by Russia and argued the investigation had merit.

“Here’s the bottom line: The United States was attacked. The United States was attacked by Russia,” Tapper said. “No, it wasn’t like Pearl Harbor. It was a cyber attack, and it was a disinformation campaign, but we were attacked. And there’s this investigation to find out what happened. Now, part of the investigation has to do with Donald Trump and whether or not anybody in his orbit cooperated, but there’s this larger investigation about what happened and how can we prevent it from happening again. And there are a whole bunch of people in Washington who are trying to prevent the investigation from going forward. I mean, imagine if somebody tried to prevent the investigation into how Pearl Harbor happened from going forward — you would say that person is not being not patriotic.”

Tapper went on to say those trying to halt Mueller’s investigation were “unpatriotic.”

“The American people were attacked and that can’t happen again,” he added. “And the idea there are members of Congress or whoever trying to stop an investigation from going forward into what happened so we can make sure it doesn’t happen again … it’s not just weird. It’s unpatriotic.”

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