Tuesday on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Meghan McCain said the swearing-in ceremony last night forSupreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh was “tone-deaf.”

Abby Huntsman said, “It reminded me of where we are right now and why people are feeling so lonely politically and feeling so divided politically, it’s because watching that announcement or whatever you call it, there was no one leading at the helm. There was no one giving us calm. There was no one that was trying to bring us together.”

Sunny Hostin said, “He turned a supreme court confirmation into a political rally.”

She added, “To see him talk politically at a swearing-in ceremony is so beyond the pale, it was so inappropriate. It hurt me to watch.”

Meghan McCain said, “The optics are important. I agree that the ceremony aspect I would have pulled immediately. I actually — had I been emotionally capable of being on the show at the time this happened the second Kavanaugh had that accusation I would have pulled him and put up Amy Coney Barrett. I didn’t understand why we let the circus continue. But believe whatever polls we want, but it has galvanized a lot of people. I do think for conservative women we are being asked questions that are very hard to answer in a lot of different ways, but I would have left out — I agree that optically it was tone-deaf.”

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