Monday on CNN’s “New Day,” Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) accused President Donald Trump of hurting Republican candidates in the midterm election with his “dog-whistle politics.”

Jones said, “I think the president is making Republicans have a difficult time this year. We’re seeing that time and time again. That’s just part of the election cycle. Everyone focuses on their election. At the end of the day, those folks in those states will want a senator who has their back, regardless of who is the president is. They want to make sure that senator has got their back so when the administration does something that’s favorable, they’re going to be with them. When they do things that won’t help their state, they’ll stand up and help the people in those states. That’s the real power that Democrats in the red states are talking about.”

When asked about Trump referring to former President Obama as Barack H. Obama, Jones said, “I hear a lot of things. I think there’s a little dog whistle politics in there, too, but I think that is just an effort to rouse up the president’s base, all the anti-immigration, all of this stuff resonates with those folks. It’s for that crowd. It doesn’t resonate with the majority of the people in the state of Indiana. I think we have moved beyond that. And I hate the dog-whistle politics that the president keeps using.”

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