Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright reacted Thursday on CNN’s “New Day” to President Donald Trump slamming the Intelligence Community over the threat posed by Iran.

Albright said it “blows” her mind that Trump does not want to listen to the Intelligence Community and learn from them.

“It blows my mind, frankly, because I think that the Intelligence Community — I was fascinated by what happened yesterday with the lineup of all of them and talking about what they know from the fact that they’re doing a lot of research, that they understand it. And I worked for presidents that actually were interested in knowing what was going on and knew what the role of the Intelligence Community is and was, and so I am stunned by this,” Albright stated. “And I think it only proves something that troubles me deeply is that this president is someone that doesn’t want to learn.”

She added that “part of being a responsible public servant and a leader is to listen to different opinions” rather than putting people down.

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