Saturday on Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” conservative talker Dennis Prager explained to host Jeanine Pirro some of the many flaws of socialism, a policy adopted by many of those representing the modern Democratic Party.

According to Prager, without capitalism, socialism wouldn’t even exist.

“[I]t is an economic failure,” Prager explained. “And here is a simple reason: Only, and that’s key, only capitalism creates wealth. No other economic way of life, system, philosophy, has ever created wealth. Socialism spends the money that capitalism creates. No one can deny that. Even leftists can’t deny that. They will say it’s the moral thing to do to then, to spend money capitalism creates because there’s income inequality and all the things they object to. But they cannot deny that it itself makes no money. So, it depends on capitalism to even exist.”

Another flaw Prager highlighted was how socialism restricted freedom due to the growth of government.

“[S]econdly, it always deprives people of freedom because it makes the government bigger and bigger. As the government gets bigger, in every instance, there is no exception, people’s rights diminish. America was founded, and it’s the only country founded, on limited government.”

Prager blamed those on the left for not standing up to socialists that have now taken over the American left.

“The left has taken over the liberals,” Prager added. “Liberalism has been vanquished by leftism. It’s been kidnapped. If you would have asked a liberal 50 years ago, ‘Are you pro-socialist?’ He would have said are you crazy in the biggest anti-communists were the labor unions in the 40s and 50s. But liberals have wimped out the battle against the left. Alan Dershowitz is a rare example of a living liberal who is anti-left.”

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