Monday on CNN’s “Newsroom,” network political commentator Ana Navarro criticized President Donald Trump’s voters when discussing Fox News Channel hosts Jeanine Pirro and Tucker Carlson’s controversial statements.

Navarro said, “I suspect that you know, I’m not sure that I can even buy he’s a charming, funny guy in person. To me, it’s far more important what you’re like when you’re being viewed by millions of people. The same way you said the Constitutional conservatives have to think about what Pirro said. Social values voters and Christian voters and pearl-clutchers and the people who have all the trouble when other people do crazy things, should also really question themselves and look at themselves in the mirror and say, ‘Why are we listening to this guy who we just heard on audio, you know, say some really vile things?'”

Turning the topic to the president, Navarro said, “Then again, Brooke, take a look at who the Fox viewers are. They listen to on audio, a Republican candidate, Republican nominee, saying some very vile things then still voted him in. So I think the standards are different. I think the bars have been lowered. I think they don’t apologize because they don’t feel like they have to apologize.”

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