Thursday on MSNBC’s “Live,” Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) said President Donald Trump’s attempts to included a citizenship question on the 2020 census is in “contempt of the court system.”

Jones said, “He is in effect I think just flouting a court order that happened the other day. The courts gave him some authority to try to come back with a reason, but they didn’t say just go ahead and do it by yourself. Obviously, this is an issue that Congress will take up but, more importantly, I think it is contempt of the court system.”

He added, “It is a continuing pattern in this administration that, you know, ‘I’ll just get what I want, and the hell with everybody else it doesn’t matter what Congress says or what the courts say.’ Where this needs to be addressed is in the court system because they addressed it first. There is an order out there, a decision out there, and he needs to abide by it.”

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