Sunday, CNN “Fareed Zakaria GPS” host Fareed Zakaria warned British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s election in 2019 could foreshadow what happens in the upcoming 2020 presidential election in the United States.

According to Zakaria, Johnson and President Donald Trump are similar in that they are both able to attract pro-free market voters and build party loyalty through their polarizing remarks.

He argued both the Democrats in America and the United Kingdom’s Labour Party share a “vulnerability” in not being able to win over socially-conservative working-class voter and “lurching ever leftward” while the public remains largely supportive of the “existing positions on these issues.”

“The party’s Achilles heel is immigration,” Zakaria noted. “Half of the Democratic candidates have said they want to decriminalize illegal border crossings and even more want to give undocumented immigrants free health care. Large majorities of the country disagree with these policies, and you can expect Trump to turn this into a wedge issue. The irony, thus, is the Republican Party, like the Tories, has become ideologically a bigger-tent party, while the Democrats, historically defined as a large coalition, are ideologically narrow on the issues that might well define the 2020 election.”

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