Monday on CNN’s “New Day,” Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) reacted to the recent stabbing attack by an antisemite in New York where a man entered a rabbi’s house and stabbed five people while they were gathered to celebrate Hanukkah.

Host John Berman asked Peters if he would support a federal domestic terror law.

Peters said he does support a federal domestic terror law, reasoning that domestic terrorism “is the number one threat we face” in the United States in terms of terrorism.

“Certainly, we have to recognize domestic terrorism is the number one threat that we face here in terms of terrorist actions,” Peters told Berman. “Ever since 9/11, most all of the attacks we have seen in the country have been domestic terror.”

“We have to make sure we’re dedicating resources to where the real threat is. And that’s where the real threat is right now, is in the domestic terrorism,” he added.

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