During an interview broadcast on Wednesday’s edition of MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show,” Lev Parnas stated that his and Rudy Giuliani’s efforts in Ukraine were “never about corruption” and were “all about” 2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

Host Rachel Maddow asked Parnas about his allegation that President Trump knew about Parnas’ activities in Ukraine and if this meant that, “the president was aware that you and Mr. Giuliani were working on this effort in Ukraine to basically try to hurt Joe Biden’s political career, he knew about that?”

Parnas said, “Yeah. It was all about Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and also, Rudy had a personal thing with the Manafort stuff, the black ledger. And that was another thing that they were looking into. But it was never about corruption. It was never — it was strictly about Burisma, which included Hunter Biden and Joe Biden.”

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