Immediately after Sen. Mitt Romney’s (R-UT) announced he would vote to convict President Donald Trump on the first article of impeachment, Fox News Channel aired an interview the senator gave to explain his decision.

Romney said, “I believe that the act he took, an effort to corrupt an election, is as destructive an attack on the oath of office and our Constitution as I can imagine. It is a high crime and misdemeanor within the meaning of the Constitution. And that is not a decision I take lightly. It’s the last decision I wanted to take.”

“The personal consequences, the political consequences that fall on me as a result of that are going to be extraordinary,” he continued. “But I swore an oath before God, and I am a religious person, that I would imply impartial justice and implying impartial justice said what the president did was grievously wrong. And I had to vote if I was going to live with my own conscience, in a way that was consistent with that oath of office.”

Anchor Chris Wallace asked, “Do you believe that Donald Trump is unfit to serve as president and should be removed from office?”

Romney said, “I do believe he should be removed from office. That’s the vote that I will take in a while.”

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