Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” sports editor for The Nation Dave Zirin said those protesting the stay-at-home orders are “the Fox News, Nazi, confederate death cult” of the Republican Party.

Zirin said, “They’ve gone from all lives matter to no lives matter. These folks are — let’s be honest of what they are — they are the Fox News, Nazi, Confederate death cult romp of the Republican Party. Their very existence is a slap in the face, not only to the health care workers on the front lines risking their lives every single day but also a slap in the face of the people who are actually dying from this virus in disproportionate numbers, black and brown people. These not economically disenfranchised folks. These are small business owners, not themselves. These are retirees. These are people who want their workers sent back to work. It’s a complete and utter farce. It’s an astroturf farce.”

He added, “It needs to be said, it’s unrepresentative of the Republican Party as a whole. I just saw a poll that 70% of Republicans want a national stay-at-home order. This represents nothing except for the narrow astroturf interests and the hard racist interests that combine and form the modern-day Republican Party. I think this is important covering it critically, but I think the media would do well to cover it far less. I can’t tell you how many 100-person protests I’ve been to in my life and gotten zero media coverage. Yet this is something that sets off a national conversation when these folks don’t deserve the sweat off our brow.”

Host Joy Reid agreed, “You know that’s a good point because I remember during the Iraq war, there were a lot of protests against the war that you would never know happened unless you have CSPAN.”

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