Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) expressed doubt about his state’s neighbors to the east and south regarding their handling of the coronavirus as it pertains to opening businesses.

Jones was asked by MSNBC’s Chris Hayes if he had concerns about bordering Georgia and Florida, to which he called the decisions made by those states’ governors “crazy.”

“About Georgia, I do,” he replied. “Look, our governor in Alabama today had a press conference, and she could have done the same thing. But she didn’t. She stood strong. She said she was going to follow the advice of the health care professionals. She was going to look at opening at some point down the line when we are sure that our case number is declining. She defied what they did in Florida and Georgia.”

“You know, Chris, I had to take my mom to the doctor yesterday, and the first questions they asked her was, ‘Have you had a fever? Have you had respiratory problems? Have you traveled internationally?’ Well, I think people from Alabama — they’re going to have to start asking if we’ve traveled to Georgia or Florida lately because what they are doing in those two states, I think, is just crazy.”

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