Thursday on FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan addressed protesters in Portland, OR, setting up an “autonomous zone” akin to the now-disbanded Capitol Hill Occupied Protest in Seattle.

Morgan detailed how violent the protesters have been in destroying federal property and attacking members of law enforcement, saying the protesters are more like “criminals.”

“Look, I have been doing this for several decades, and I don’t understand it,” Morgan said. “And these are not protesters. When you talk about what’s going on in Portland, for example, these are criminals. These are individuals that are planning, organizing with premeditation to destroy federal property and harm federal officers and agents. They are coming every single night for the past two weeks armed with weapons, with rocks, with hammers, they are putting nails in plywood to intentionally harm. I can go on with a list of weapons. And every single night for the past several weeks, they have done just that. They have attacked a building and intentionally harmed law enforcement officers. Those are criminals. Those aren’t protesters.”

Morgan went on to praise the “restraint” of law enforcement dealing with the violent protesters who have been attacking them “night after night.”

“I am actually proud of the men and women that are federal agents and officers in Portland,” he advised. “They have actually shown extreme restraint. They have been attacked night after night by criminals. They are not protesters.”

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